America Shall Be Saved?

Did you know that right now there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Christians, and not just American Christians, who are declaring “America Shall Be Saved”?  If you don’t believe me, just Google (or better yet, Duck Duck Go, which will yield a less restricted range of hits) the phrase, “America Shall Be Saved.”

This is a significant effort on behalf of a particular modern variety of Christian believers, and primarily associated with the New Apostolic Reformation and Independent Network Charismatic Christianity

You might be asking, what is America being saved from?  The short answer is the wrath of God.  And if you reflect on recent American history, and how the media usually frames the information it broadcasts, it’s not too difficult to imagine that lots of people have a foreboding sense that America is in trouble.  If one then applies a supernatural frame of reference on recent events, it’s not too hard to imagine that some spiritually-minded Christians, who interpret most events as orchestrated directly by God, would view what is happening in the world, and in America, as God’s wrath being poured out on the disobedient.

So clearly then, to be the blessed nation America was destined to be, a sincere and urgent effort must be made by the true Christian “remnant” (I’m using NAR language now), in continual prayer, fasting, repentance, renewal, and revival, so that America can return to its covenant with God, and be saved.

What’s that you say - a covenant with God?

Yes!  Were you not aware that America has been in covenant with God from its very beginning?  And the reason we see what we do in America today is because America has broken its covenant with God?  Well, this is because the godless “system” won’t teach our children America’s true history.  I’m not talking about the 1619 project, but the lesser known 1729 project.  You’ve never heard of the 1729 project?  Of course not, because it’s not being taught!

So I’m not going to get into all the details here, because interested readers can explore the topic themselves.  But I’ll summarize to say that those who espouse this view pretty much are conflating the known covenant God made with the Jewish people, as documented in the Old Testament, with a “covenant” early American settlers made with God.  Do you see the difference?  God made a covenant vs. man made a covenant?  In addition, those who espouse this covenant view of America eisegetically apply 2nd Chronicles 7:14 to America.

What are the criteria for America to be saved?

There’s a number of popular NAR leaders out there with pretty large followings.  The one who caught my attention about a year ago is Dutch Sheets, and I discovered him during the time I became very interested in the 2020 election “prophets”, some of which I’ve featured in the blog series, God’s False Prophets. One of Dutch Sheets’ recent YouTube videos results in many followers declaring “America Shall Be Saved” (actually, this is a very common declaration among his and other NAR adherents, and can be seen on just about every one of Mr. Sheets’ videos).  This most recent round of declaration made me curious about what is required for America to be saved, if it were true that America can be saved, according to NAR theology.  So here are some questions I have about the saving of America:

  • If America is saved, what would that look like?
  • How does America qualify for being saved?
  • Is country-level salvation like personal salvation - where the country either goes to heaven, or goes to hell?
  • Is there a percentage threshold of Americans who need to be professing Christians for America to be saved?  Is a simple majority (50.1%) sufficient, and who is counted in the equation?  Everyone over a certain age?
  • If America is saved, do the benefits of being saved extend to all Americans, including the ones who are not Christian believers?
  • If only Christian believers receive the benefits of America being saved, how is country-level salvation any different from personal salvation?
  • For America to be saved, does it require Christian governance of America?  Would Christian governance be required at only the federal level, or would it have to extend to a certain percentage of states as well?
  • If America is not saved, how would we know?
  • If America is not saved, are the consequences the same for both American Christian believers and non-believers?

God’s plan to save America involves leadership by Donald Trump

It might seem strange to you to learn that the majority of NAR and INC Christianity leaders view the presidency of Donald Trump to be integral to the saving of America.  Devotees are engaged in fervent prayer to restore Mr. Trump to the presidency which was wrongfully stolen from him through election fraud.  Many of those who are steadfast in believing that widespread election fraud took place are Christians who have bought into America Shall Be Saved theology.  There are many NAR and INC Christianity pastors and self-professed prophets encouraging their followers to remain patient and “stay the course” as God will soon act to expose the evil in America, and restore America, according to the original covenant made back in 1729.

I’m glad that God made a way for individuals to be in relationship with Him, but I’m quite sure that it doesn’t require a country to be saved, nor does it require leadership by Donald Trump.  I’m glad that there are Christians passionate about the state of affairs in America, although it seems to me that it would be better to focus efforts on the Great Commission, on an individual one-on-one level, rather than on attempting to save America.


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