God’s False(?) Prophets: What I learned from my year-long surveillance of America’s self-proclaimed prophets

It’s been quite a while since I have posted anything, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about it.  I expect I’ll be resuming posts on the creation/evolution series soon, and I’ve been imagining a new series with a title like American Ironies, to comment on all sorts of fun ironies which exist on the left and right extremes of American culture, religion and politics.  You know - things like embracing diversity, but canceling people whose diversity isn’t welcome, or claiming to value life, but not the lives of some people, or supporting freedom of choice, but fighting against freedom of choice.

Most recently, I’ve been thinking about the end of 2021, and especially the historic events of January 6, 2021, in the context of what God’s False(?) Prophets have been asserting throughout.  Now that we’ve passed the one year mark of January 6th, and the fact that I’ve continued to surveil a number of the American “prophets”, I felt a summative retrospective on what I’ve learned might be fun.

Confession time - I have spent far too much time this past year watching and reading about this fascinating and perplexing subset of American Christians.  I’ve learned a lot, but it might actually have become an addiction, although not for the same reason that devoted true believers tune in.  They seek hope and comfort; I seek crazy.  I’ve found myself repeatedly elated upon hearing a crazy new prophecy, and I’m quite aware of the neurobiology of addiction.  I might have inadvertently created a dopamine reward trigger by watching so many of these prophecies over the past year!

I’ve not comprehensively surveilled these prophets, as there are too many to reasonably follow.  Some I find very difficult to listen to for what I would term endless incoherent babble - the inability to express a thought clearly (but perhaps that’s the basis of their success).  There’s about twenty “prophets” I’ve listened to on occasion and about half that number I’ve attempted to keep up with on a more regular basis.  These are individuals with YouTube subscribers in the tens to hundreds of thousands, and views about the same.  Most maintain multiple platforms (typically a website, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble, and Telegram) so it’s difficult to say the full extent of their followers.  I’ve featured a few of these prophets in previous posts (insert link).  Here is a list of most of them in no particular order:  Robin Bullock, Hank Kunnemann, Paula White, Dutch Sheets, Julie Green, Lance Wallnau, Mike Thompson, Mario Murillo, Wanda Alger, Liberty Turnipseed, Timothy Dixon, Kent Christmas, Chuck Pierce, Tim Sheets, Chris Yoon, Kat Kerr, and Tiffany Root/Kirk Vandeguchte (of Seeking the Glory of God Ministries).


These are simply a summary of my observations and personal conclusions, expressed perhaps with a bit of a jocular tone, because that’s who I am, and I find quite a bit of this to be ridiculous, in all honesty.  The reader should not assume I am opposed to, or deny the gift of prophecy in the modern church.  I maintain a perspective on spiritual gifts consistent with the written Word of God (to the extent that I understand it). I have a charismatic Christian upbringing, and I’ve witnessed what I consider true manifestations of spiritual gifts as described in the Bible - so I’m not at all opposed to genuine expressions of Christian faith and practice. 

Without further ado, here are some things I’ve learned.

  1. Passionate commitment 

Subscriber/viewer participation is very high by YouTube standards.  Tons of supportive comments.  Followers are very eager for the next post, and are super excited about their prophets.  Prophets appear to be inundated with emails, mail, and gifts.  Be careful what you say - expect a beat-down if you question a prophet’s words.

  1. It’s us and them (enemies)

The world is divided into two warring sides - God and His faithful remnant of believers, and Satan and his horde of evil Democrats and Socialists.  Remember - every single day - you are in a battle of good vs. evil, and Democrats and Socialists are working non-stop to destroy you.

  1. It’s a supportive community

So many compliments, so many prayers, so much joy and celebration.  There’s a lot of love out there among the true believers (except for the enemy - see item #).

  1. Details, details…who needs details?

Savvy prophets cast a wide net with non-specific language about future happenings.  In this way, it’s easy to interpret events that occur, like weather events, and political news as fulfillment of prophecy.  Everybody wins - the prophets can validate their prophetic gifts and followers grow in their beliefs.

  1. People need hope

What it all comes down to is the human need to have hope for the future.  Are you lacking hope, due to current events and circumstances?  There’s probably a prophet out there you can depend on to give you hope and encouragement.  It’s clear that a lot of people are searching for a reliable source of hope. There's a bit of irony here, in that these followers - clearly Christian, and mostly Protestant, are devoted followers of prophets (intermediaries) in their quest for hope.

  1. Name it and claim it

What is it that you want to happen?  Just declare it in the name of God, and it will come to pass. You have the authority to do so.   And if it doesn’t, see the next two entries.  

  1. It’s a waiting game

Patience flock.  It takes time for God to work things out according to His timing.  And His timing is always slower than we want it to be, even when we feel we know when things will happen.  If something doesn’t happen when we expect it, or when a prophet indicated it would happen, just keep waiting.

  1. It’s ok if nothing happens

You know that big thing we were all hoping for, and praying continuously for?  Well, it didn’t happen, but that’s ok, because God is in control!

  1. Delivering on expectations

People who tune into the prophets are clearly looking for something specific, and the Prophets faithfully deliver what is wanted.  What are people looking for?  For many, it is hope and encouragement, in the midst of a changing world and uncertain future.  Many others are looking for a spiritual takedown of the other side, and by other side, I mean anyone who does not agree with them.  This includes anyone in favor of COVID-19 vaccination, anyone who is pro-choice, all Democrats, any conception of America where white Christians are not the most powerful group, and the planned one-world government.  They are looking for God to reassure them that everything they see happening that they don’t like will be removed - swept away, changed back to the way it was, before socialists and progressive liberals destroyed America.  The prophets deliver exactly what followers want week, after week, after week.  Oh, I forgot to mention that they want to be reassured that God will supernaturally return President Trump to the presidency (which was stolen from him), as soon as possible, meaning by March 2021, no wait - July 2021, no wait - November 2021, ok, we’ll settle for before the 2022 midterms.

  1. Anything goes

Did you hear that God was going to relocate the capital of the United States to another city?  Amen!  Did you hear that God is releasing another plague on America to kill all the evildoers?  Thank you, Lord!  Did you hear that tiny organisms called Hydra are in the COVID-19 vaccine because aliens have been trying for years to hybridize with humans?  I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true!  God showed me in a dream! 

  1. Did anyone hear an echo? 

First, make sure to read observation #10.  And everyone agrees with that?  Hello?  No dissenting opinions?  Ok - I guess it must be true, because not one of thousands of viewers seems to disagree! It’s one big party for mutual reinforcement of common beliefs! (yes, the prophets censor comments on their posts to give the perception of total agreement)

  1. New words are more exciting than old words

Do you know what’s more exciting than reading and knowing the Bible? Waiting to hear what God has to say next, through your favorite prophet!  It’s like waiting for the next episode in a television series, after the last one ended on a cliffhanger!  And nevermind if the new word is inconsistent with the old Word - it’s all God, so it’s all good!  Besides, it’s hard to remember what the Bible says - that requires a lot more effort than watching YouTube videos.

  1. It’s a small world, after all

It seems as if the world of those who follow the prophets is very, very small, because the issues which they make out to be so huge - of such cosmic importance - makes me wonder if they ever give a thought to how large the world is - all the history, cultures, values, knowledge and beliefs throughout the ages.  And yet, in this moment, in the United States, the most critically important events in all of world history are taking place, and the only people truly in the know - who understand what is going on - are a few dozen English speaking prophets, and their several hundred thousand followers.  What a special privilege!

  1. It all hinges on US

Did you know that the salvation of the entire world depends on the United States becoming a Christian nation?  And by that, I mean a nation where all aspects of society, culture, and governance are dominated by Christians.  When that happens, God can finally allow Jesus to come back and rule His kingdom.  But if American Christians don’t do their part, God can’t do His.  The Christian “remnant” (the few who are true Christians) in America under the lead of bold apostles and prophets will usher in the End Times through steadfast devotion to God, through worship, prayer and fasting.  The fate of the world rests in our hands.

  1. Nice people can be prophets too!

There’s some really, really sweet, kind people out there who feel they are prophets and have an important word of God for you!  I mean really, really nice people.  It’s quite a source of cognitive dissonance to see a sweet, meek, gentle lady talking seriously about little aliens in vaccines!  Or witness people clearly devoted to God, calm, composed and rational, declaring things that are really “out there”.

  1. Charlatans abound

It’s very clear many of the YouTube prophets are in it for their own fame and personal financial benefit.  I don’t know how followers don’t see it, but they don’t.  Some of these charlatan prophets are very astute and very clever - like the most successful YouTubers, they know what it takes to push their revenue streams.  Business is booming!  

  1. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours

Many of the more popular prophets are networked.  They partner with one another, and with other entities, to create synergistic opportunities.  It’s the hope of all up-and-coming prophets to get booked on Victory Channel’s Flashpoint show and be interviewed on Elijah Streams.  Many are participating in “God and country” type rallies and conferences across the country (for example, Clay Clark’s Reawaken America Tour), joined by a wide range of opportunistic entrepreneurs targeting conspiracy-minded Christians and patriots.  It’s quite an amalgamation of Christianity, QAnon, and far right politics. 

Flashpoint host Gene Bailey with guests:  Prophet Hank Kunneman, Apostle Dutch Sheets, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell

  1. He who shall not be named

Two points - first, it’s important to not revisit prophecies which don’t come to pass.  NEVER mention an unfulfilled prophecy!  Second, even though the success of the prophets hinged on frequent prophecies involving President Trump in late 2020 and early 2021, it’s best to move on quietly from those prophetic words, without calling attention to the fact that God has not supernaturally placed him back in the White House.  If the followers become restless, just employ the strategies described in items #7 and #8 above. (p.s.  An emerging strategy involves blaming President Trump for not choosing to return to the White House, according to God’s will and plan - it’s not God’s fault that His own words didn’t come to pass; it’s President Trump’s fault - and don’t blame the messengers)

  1. Weather never fails

When times get difficult and things don’t look good, a prophet can always rely on the weather and other regularly occurring natural events, to deliver verifiable fulfillment of prophecy!  Thank God for the predictability of weather and geological processes!  There was a tornado - told you so!  There was an earthquake - didn’t I prophecy that shaking was coming?

  1. I think God is telling me something

One clearly does not need to hear from God to assert oneself as a prophet.  I’m not suggesting that prophetic gifting doesn’t happen - I’m saying that based on what I observed, motivated individuals who feel they are hearing from God can easily claim to be hearing from God, and will quickly develop a community of supporters who will confirm their calling as a prophet.  There’s clearly a strong market for prophetic words, and opportunities to participate in that market.  It’s clear that for some, a passion for God motivates them to pursue prophetic gifts, but for others, I feel it is more a desire for fame and fortune.

  1. God works in mysterious ways

I’m not convinced that what’s happening is all bad.  Some of it is clearly out of scope of the well-established and longstanding Christian mission.  But there definitely seems to be some benefits realized, beyond financial gain for the prophets.  It’s clear that some people have become Christians due to tuning into some of these prophets, and it’s clear from viewer comments that many feel that they’ve become much more passionate about God, and common Christian practices, like prayer, and fasting.  What if, despite the crazy declarations, false prophecies, perpetuation of conspiracy theories, politicized language, and misuse of scripture, God is using these flawed persons - just like God uses all His flawed children - to reach people with the message of Jesus?  What’s the value of a “saved soul” in the eternal economy of God?  Yet, I wonder about the mixed messaging - partly the gospel message, and partly a different gospel, incorporating aspects of conservative politics, and theological ideas with no Biblical support.  For the mature believer, it’s probably best to stay away from this crowd.  I understand why some Christian apologists come after these prophets in attack mode, and it’s hard to tell if there is a net benefit from doing so.  It’s clear there are people who have felt tricked by some of these prophets, and at the same time, there are others who are now traveling a path towards God, albeit with all sorts of unhelpful baggage.  But which of us who believe are not carrying unhelpful baggage?

This might, or might not be the last of the posts in this series.  I'm toying with a post entitled "So you want to be a YouTube prophet" describing tips to be successful in this market.  It's difficult to predict the future of these posts!


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