God’s prophets are pitching a shutout against Biden

NOTE:  This post became the first of several posts on the topic of 2020 election prophecies, as this became a matter of significant interest to me, being a longtime charismatic Christian.  A link to the next post is provided at the end of the post.

My religious background lends itself to curiosity about prophetic words from Christians who assert this spiritual gift.  The gift of prophecy is clearly supported by Biblical scriptures, including the Book of Joel, chapter 2, and the Book of Acts, chapter 2.  Consequently, I occasionally venture out into our conveniently accessible digital world of thought, and look to see what the modern prophets are saying.  With an election coming up in the U.S., I’ve started poking around to see what the prophets are saying.  I’ll sum it up this way:  God’s prophets are pitching a shutout against Joe BidenEvery published prophetic dream or word by Christian believers I’ve encountered indicates Donald Trump will win the 2020 election.  Christians often talk about the unity of the believers, but I think everyone knows that there’s a whole lot that distinct Christian groups do NOT agree on.  However, there certainly does seem to be unity of Christian dreams, visions, and prophecy about the upcoming 2020 election.  

Why would this be?  Could it possibly be that the left-leaning internet media companies are intentionally censoring prophecies in favor of Joe Biden? Seems unlikely.  Is it the case, as the prophets assert, that despite all of Mr. Trump’s character flaws, that he is indeed God’s chosen one - the right man for this time?  If so, his campaign team could turn this into a great slogan, and really attention-getting commercials, but for some reason, they’ve not done so.

It makes sense that God would deliver a consistent message through dreams, visions, and prophecies.  If God had prophets delivering clearly opposing prophecies, that would be very confusing.  In that instance, things would get messy, with some Christians accusing certain prophets of being false prophets.  Christians would take opposing sides on the matter, and people on the outside of Christianity would look at all of the Christians as a bunch of wackos.  It’s much better that the prophetic messages are consistent, and pointing in one direction, and the good news is that they are (at least for now).

If Trump does win in November, despite what seems like overwhelming odds against him, how will it be interpreted, given that all of the Christian prophets indicated that this would happen?  Is this at all convincing to disbelievers concerning the existence of God?  What will the left-leaning media say?  What will the left-leaning population say and do, after being primed for months by the media for what should have been a massive victory by Biden?  It sounds like a great opportunity for these same prophets to point back to their prophecies and remind the confused and angry left, that this was ordained by God in advance.

On the other hand, if Biden wins, how will Christians who listened to these prophets interpret this surprising outcome?  Are they simply not prophets, and just ordinary people trying to make some cash, like so many others, via clicks and views?  Did God change his mind at the last minute?  Maybe because there weren’t enough American Christians who prayed for the right outcome?  Maybe they will question God’s level of involvement in human political affairs. Maybe people like the prophets overestimate God’s interest in, and involvement in the political leadership of a single country on a single planet at a specific point in time in the long history of the universe.   

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see how this all unfolds in November!

If you want to see any of these prophecies for yourself, they’re quite easy to find on Youtube.  Here are a few examples of prophecies I’ve encountered declaring Mr. Trump’s victory in the 2020 election.  There are plenty of others.  I do not “follow” these people, I’ve only discovered them online and listened to what they have to say.

Dana Coverstone is an Assemblies of God pastor, https://youtu.be/YRswNOKZ1z0  (around 2:40)

Dr. Patricia Show (DrPatricia Show) 2020 Presidential prophecy, https://youtu.be/65IXBkOFBwQ (around 5:30)

Sid Roth with Tracy Cooke, https://youtu.be/PdWKJD7EKfg

Faith Smith, https://youtu.be/sq5ggmLpq3I

Hank Kunneman from July 2019, https://youtu.be/i57kU7ICa2o

Robert Henderson’s Four Deams about President Trump, https://youtu.be/tcJl0jtfPKc (around 2:30)

If you explore this issue on your own, and you discover any Christian prophets declaring Joe Biden will win in November, please post in the comments section.  

Click here for the next post in this series.


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