
Showing posts from January, 2022

God’s False(?) Prophets: What I learned from my year-long surveillance of America’s self-proclaimed prophets

It’s been quite a while since I have posted anything, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about it.  I expect I’ll be resuming posts on the creation/evolution series soon, and I’ve been imagining a new series with a title like American Ironies , to comment on all sorts of fun ironies which exist on the left and right extremes of American culture, religion and politics.  You know - things like embracing diversity, but canceling people whose diversity isn’t welcome, or claiming to value life, but not the lives of some people, or supporting freedom of choice, but fighting against freedom of choice. Most recently, I’ve been thinking about the end of 2021, and especially the historic events of January 6, 2021, in the context of what God’s False(?) Prophets have been asserting throughout.  Now that we’ve passed the one year mark of January 6th, and the fact that I’ve continued to surveil a number of the American “prophets”, I felt a summative retrospective on what I’ve learned mi